Our Technique in Las Vegas NV

Chiropractic Las Vegas NV Our Technique Hero

At Limitless Chiropractic, our treatment is structured around a technique called TRT, which stands for Torque Release Technique.

TRT in Las Vegas NV is one of the fastest growing and most precisely focused chiropractic techniques in the world; which came about through the intuitive development, application, and fine-tuning of various speculative hypotheses in pursuit of an end goal of producing an enhanced state of well-being and vanquished bodily disharmonies.

A widely respected psychiatric journal has sited the positive efficacy of TRT on clients struggling with symptoms of anxiety and depression; describing remarkable improvements in clients’ sense of well-being.

TRT’s credibility derives from the developmental achievement of its main objective which was to render the ‘optimal adjustment’ ultimately ‘reproducible.’

How it works in Las Vegas NV

Torque Release describes the action of the ‘Integrator’, which is a small hand-held device that the chiropractor uses to facilitate the client’s adjustments.

The adjustments themselves are made possible by the spring-loaded functionality of the ‘integrator’ (the only chiropractic instrument approved by the FDA) which releases a gentle pre-calibrated ‘thrust’ at the precise location determined by the chiropractor.

Ultimately, this facilitates what is called “inter-examiner reliability”, meaning that different individuals can achieve comparable results in the same manner.

The ultimate reward of our technique is witnessing life-changing results on a daily basis.


  • TRT = Torque Release Technique
  • TRT is the only technique EVER born from research.
  • TRT uses the ONLY FDA-approved chiropractic adjusting
  • instrument.
  • TRT is both a form of analysis AND an adjusting technique.
  • TRT is an analysis that uses OBJECTIVE findings, not subjective ones.
  • TRT is fast, comfortable, effective, and safe.
  • TRT can be used on children, adolescents, adults, pregnant Moms, and elderly adults.
  • TRT is SAFE and EFFECTIVE for individuals diagnosed with and/or having disc problems, spinal fusions, rods in their spine, or who have undergone other spinal surgeries.
  • TRT is a technique that decreases the time required to get true neurological correction which means we can work through your problems and get you to a point of wellness faster than traditional methods.


9:00am - 12:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm

9:00am - 12:00pm

9:00am - 12:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm

9:00am - 12:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm


Saturday & Sunday

Limitless Chiropractic

9777 Bermuda Rd STE 110
Las Vegas, NV 89183
P: (702) 728-5603
F: (702) 832-0314